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Odyssey Replacement Parts Kit ~ Alto Saxophone

Excluding VAT: £99.99
Including VAT: £119.99

At Odyssey, we recognise the significant contribution that an instrument makes to the willingness of a student to persevere, practice, pursue the process of learning to control and master the instrument, enjoy making music and progress. So when a fault occurs on an instrument from general wear and tear it is important not to have to be without your instrument for a long period of time waiting for parts to arrive. 

For the brass and woodwind instrument repairer, or experienced player/teacher capable of performing instrument maintenance, Odyssey offers a set of parts kits for Clarinet, Flute, Alto Saxophone and Trumpet.

Each kit comprising of essential parts required for basic instrument upkeep and set-up of the specific instrument. 

The Alto Saxophone repair kit contains all the parts as illustrated in the product picture.